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5318 追記

文太 2023/02/03(Fri) 01:16 [5316]へのコメント



IBM PC BIOS source code reconstruction
IBM PC BIOS version history
IBM PC BIOS - all 3 versions (dated 04/24/81, 10/19/81, 10/27/82)
IBM PC XT BIOS version 1 (dated 11/08/82)
IBM PC XT BIOS version 2 (dated 01/10/86)
IBM PC XT BIOS version 3 (dated 05/09/86)
IBM PC AT BIOS version 1 (dated 01/10/84)
IBM PC AT BIOS version 2 (dated 06/10/85)
IBM PC AT BIOS version 3 (dated 11/15/85)
IBM PC XT 286 BIOS (dated 04/21/86)

Related specs and information
BIOS functions
BIOS data area
Keyboard scan code/character code combinations
List of PC interrupts
80x86 instruction reference
Official Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) documentation: version 3.2 - version 4.0
Official eXtended Memory Specification (XMS) documentation: version 2.0 - version 3.0
Official Virtual Control Program Interface (VCPI) documentation: version 1.0
Official Virtual DMA Services (VDS) documentation: version 1.0
Official DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) documentation: version 0.9 - version 1.0
VESA BIOS Extension (VBE) documentation: version 1.2 - version 2.0 - version 3.0
Master Boot Record (MBR) information and code disassembly
Microsoft FAT (File Allocation Table) file system documentation
Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX) documentation
Relocatable Object Module Format (OMF) documentation
Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version history
Microsoft C compiler version history



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- 5278.一括リネームのテスト - めざら 23/01/20-15:12

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